Page name: relaxation time warp [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-27 01:48:29
Last author: ..Nightmare..
Owner: ..Nightmare..
# of watchers: 9
Fans: 0
D20: 2
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Owner(s)/Manager(s): [..Nightmare..] can call me anyone of these: Goth, Hippie, Charles, Josh, Daemon or Kurt.
[akroshii] ian,cb,454,45,cheeze burger(only friends)
[Darkness of Faith] RIP, Talon, tal or graveyard

As you walk into this big central complex, You will see many things first off straight ahead of you is a vast hall way with many many doors. Secondly as your head slowly turns in a clock-wise direction you will notice that the walls are painted a crimson read and that the ceiling is pitch black with a central heating/lighting unit in the middle. All around you is simple couches and several fire places. This is simply the formal room where you can chat and read and do anything you want.

well here we go let us indulge our selves in walking the main hall. on your immidiate left there is a door that opens into:
relaxing time warp members

As you come out of the members area you notice a door accross from it and you casually open it and step out side to the:
The relaxing pool

ok so you've seen the central complex, the members page and the pool but your thinking what else is along this expansive hall way. Let me tell you... You keep walking and come apon 7 doors evenly spaced along the left hand side of the hall all the way down. As you check out each room you know thier for anything and everything so just ask me [..Nightmare..] or [akroshii] or [Darkness of Faith] if you want a room.

Relax room 1~occupied ^_^
Relax room 2~occupied
Relax room 3~occupied
Relax room 4
Relax room 5
Relax room 6
Relaxing Bathroom~occupied~
....Yes the bathroom is a place for you guys to do kinky things in too lol its hot you should check it out;)
now after looking through the rooms at the end of the hall you see some HUGE doors you wonder what it is and you go to inspect. You find outs a library so you should check it out;)
The Relax Library

Attention one more thing b4 you go. I will be needing 2 banners for this wiki.
1 for members that are just here to lounge around.
1 for my employees
if any one would plz make some then all you have to do is msg me for the password to relaxation time warp banners .

ATTENTION ALL relaxing time warp members

there will be NO smoking in any of the rooms, library or the pool area. even though this is a rpg if someone is caught smoking all of their comments will be deleted and one of the owners will kick you out. If you head to the pool area you will notice a room to the back of it go through that door. you'll see.

Username (or number or email):


2004-11-13 [akroshii]: dude kick ass job man

2004-11-13 [..Nightmare..]: thanks lol ill put you under members kk check out the rest of it its awesome:P

2004-11-13 [Darkness of Faith]: damn straight it is...

2004-11-13 [akroshii]: hay can i be an employee i had a feeling u would have a cafe u love moccas

2004-11-13 [Darkness of Faith]: i love cafes my one wiki has a cafe in it or actually i think two of them do...

2004-11-13 [..Nightmare..]: lol yea ill add you as well as tal

2004-11-13 [Darkness of Faith]: thanks ^_^

2004-11-13 [..Nightmare..]: hey ill let you guys put up your names and what not under neath the Owner(s)/Member(s)

2004-11-13 [Darkness of Faith]: kk...

2004-11-13 [akroshii]: mmmkay

2004-11-13 [Darkness of Faith]: gonna take my name off of the members list is that ok??

2004-11-13 [akroshii]: ya i think all do that 2 so more members can join

2004-11-13 [Darkness of Faith]: hey i have a question do you want me to put it under a section in the wiki wiki index???

2004-11-13 [..Nightmare..]: kk and yea that would be neat ill also get it set up in the RPG area...hmm where else could we get it put...maybe under miscelanious ill talk to a few ppls..

2004-11-13 [Darkness of Faith]: ill advertise to the wikis im in...

2004-11-13 [akroshii]: ill message random ppl i always do that

2004-11-13 [..Nightmare..]: hehehe its on Very Miscelanious 2 lol at the bottom but still its on there :P

2004-11-13 [Darkness of Faith]: i put a request for the R/ page

2004-11-13 [..Nightmare..]: the R page?........oooooooooooo o k nvm lol wasnt thinking

2004-11-13 [100%dancer]: cool

2004-11-13 [Darkness of Faith]: hey, would you like to join??

2004-11-13 [..Nightmare..]: hey ill be back in about an hour or so im getting booted off my comp...with no intension of sleeping so ill talk to you guys in a bit....

2004-11-13 [Phantasm]: so im heyer know what are we all toking about? (8^'

2004-11-13 [Darkness of Faith]: anything...

2004-11-14 [daydreams of happyer times]: hey !!! Add me plez!!!

2004-11-14 [Darkness of Faith]: ok sure ^_^

2004-11-14 [ninje]: hey

2004-11-14 [Darkness of Faith]: your just everywhere arent you

2004-11-14 [ninje]: ^^yup^^

2004-11-14 [Darkness of Faith]: so whats new with you??

2004-11-14 [ninje]: not much u?

2004-11-14 [Darkness of Faith]: nuttin too much go to the pool ^_^

2004-11-14 [ninje]: k

2004-11-14 [Darkness of Faith]: see u there

2004-11-14 [The Whistler]: hello?

2004-11-14 [Darkness of Faith]: hey go to the pool ^_^

2004-11-14 [ninje]: hey

2004-11-14 [The Whistler]: hey. i`m slowly getting a hang of this...

2004-11-14 [ninje]: go to the relaxing pool

2004-11-14 [Darkness of Faith]: sounds good

2004-11-14 [The Whistler]: what is the relaxing poo? i click on it and it says that it`s an empty page

2004-11-14 [The Whistler]: i meant to say pool

2004-11-14 [Darkness of Faith]: he meant

2004-11-14 [Darkness of Faith]: try it now

2004-11-14 [ninje]: if it says empty page press refresh

2004-11-16 [Slayer Chick]: umm hi...i'm RIP's friend irl...she told me to join and meet her at the Oasis...where's that?

2004-11-16 [Darkness of Faith]: go to the pool then click on the oasis

2004-11-16 [Slayer Chick]: ok, yeah me and RIP will brb in 10 minutes

2004-11-16 [..Nightmare..]: ok ??? lol back btw

2004-11-16 [Darkness of Faith]: hey hey goth

2004-11-16 [Darkness of Faith]: im gonna go to Relaxation time warp Oasis1 kk, and sumi thats where i wanted you to go so just click on the link

2004-11-16 [..Nightmare..]: kk will do :P

2004-11-16 [Slayer Chick]: me2'

2004-11-16 [Phantasm]: if a pig floow i would eat it even more...... !!! (B^}

2004-11-16 [..Nightmare..]: ok then....

2004-11-16 [ninje]: hey its first period and im unbalivably bored out my mind yahaahaahahooooaho

2004-11-16 [..Nightmare..]: lol for me its second period and im bored lol computer class is so borring and they have most of the games sites blocked -_-''

2004-11-16 [ninje]: HAHAHAHA IM HOME NOW

2004-11-16 [Darkness of Faith]: what time do you get home jenti?

2004-11-16 [ninje]: 1:00 me and ian useually ditch 7th period is a bore

2004-11-16 [Darkness of Faith]: i see thats early what time do you start?

2004-11-16 [Tanky]: Yesss, I am a member!! MUAHAHA

2004-11-16 [ninje]: 7:35

2004-11-16 [Darkness of Faith]: oh ok i see

2004-11-17 [Phantasm]: go home.......!!! lol

2004-11-17 [Phantasm]: Stigmatas for every one !!!!  }B^D....


2004-11-17 [..Nightmare..]: lol hey jenti sup?


2004-11-18 [drakkar]: i want room 2

2004-11-18 [Darkness of Faith]: room nuber 2?

2004-11-18 [drakkar]: yup

2004-11-18 [Darkness of Faith]: you a member?

2004-11-18 [drakkar]: ummmm....i dunno...gimmie a minute

2004-11-18 [Darkness of Faith]: if not ill add you and then give you the room

2004-11-18 [drakkar]: thank you very much

2004-11-18 [Darkness of Faith]: yea sure ^_^

2004-11-18 [drakkar]: sweet

2004-11-18 [Phantasm]: bis mella we whont let you go,bis mella we whont let you go,bis mella we whont let you go ow ow ow ow.......

2004-11-18 [Phantasm]: Queen Rocks !!! (E^D

2004-11-19 [..Nightmare..]: lol ^_^

2004-11-19 [I'm gone gone gone]: i came here so lunch box wouldn't kick me like it warned in the profile i went to... lol

2004-11-19 [ninje]: did u call him fat?

2004-11-19 [..Nightmare..]: lol what you up too?

2004-11-19 [Darkness of Faith]: wanna join?

2004-11-19 [ninje]: wut did u do to make him kick u?

2004-11-19 [..Nightmare..]: he didnt yet lol but if you read my profile it says check out my wiki relaxation time warp or [lunchbox] will kick you

2004-11-19 [Darkness of Faith]: lol

2004-11-19 [ninje]: ah well thats ian

2004-11-19 [aimfire]: meow?

2004-11-19 [..Nightmare..]: hiya?

2004-11-19 [Elansor]: hello. hey whats this page about?

2004-11-19 [..Nightmare..]: well basically its the main page to the wiki, there are 6 rooms, 1 bathroom, 3 pool areas, 1 library and a lounge.

2004-11-19 [Elansor]: ok cool. can i join?

2004-11-19 [..Nightmare..]: yea sure ill add you to the members page ^_^

2004-11-19 [Elansor]: cool!

2004-11-19 [..Nightmare..]: ^_^ your added

2004-11-19 [..Nightmare..]: unfortunatly at this current moment we do not have any banners but i will be makeing one prolly tonight if i have time,...

2004-11-19 [Elansor]: woot, now time for sweet F.A.

2004-11-19 [..Nightmare..]: F.A?

2004-11-19 [Elansor]: fuck all

2004-11-19 [..Nightmare..]: o lol. fun fun :P

2004-11-19 [Elansor]: very much so

2004-11-19 [aimfire]: l

2004-11-19 [ninje]: hi

2004-11-19 [..Nightmare..]: hello

2004-11-25 [Phantasm]: I WILL EAT YOU ALL, so you can whach your self digest in my joosis.... }B^D....EVIL !!!

2004-11-25 [..Nightmare..]: lol nice Master Joe...

2004-11-26 [Slayer Chick]: oh...k?

2004-11-28 [Phantasm]: its fun to be EVILL

2004-11-29 [the_dark_half]: hey ppl

2004-11-29 [..Nightmare..]: lol

2004-11-29 [aimfire]: hmmmmmm?

2004-11-29 [..Nightmare..]: hello

2004-11-29 [aimfire]: 'ello milady...what is happening in your neck of the woods?

2004-11-29 [..Nightmare..]: im male -_-'', but nada thing sitting in class being bored

2004-11-29 [aimfire]: Sorry man...the ratio of female to male is...well 1 to 4 I thinks...

2004-11-29 [..Nightmare..]: for what??? confused lol

2004-11-29 [aimfire]: Elftown it seems...

2004-11-29 [..Nightmare..]: o icic lol..

2004-11-30 [Elansor]: Is it? I wouldn't have gussed that... i'm so tired... kill me and be done with it!

2004-11-30 [..Nightmare..]: why kill you [Elansor] ?

2004-11-30 [Elansor]: Cause i know i have to get up early again tomorrow... and the next day and the next... killing my self with lack of sleep... it's just faster that way.

2004-11-30 [..Nightmare..]: lol you cant die from lack of sleep.. but yea i know 3 more days till weekend -_- cant wait

2004-11-30 [Elansor]: lol, i have half of sunday off work, but thats it :(

2004-11-30 [..Nightmare..]: i need a job :(

2004-11-30 [Elansor]: Why? there more trouble then there worth, and i like my jobs.

2004-11-30 [..Nightmare..]: i know they are but i need money for clothes -_- im running out

2004-11-30 [Elansor]: Yeah, that becomes a bit of a problem...

2004-11-30 [..Nightmare..]: yes yes it does and my parents cant afford to right now so yea its like ahhhhhhhhhhh

2004-12-02 [Phantasm]: sicow wavs redy komander, begining mind conchrol in 3,2,1 .........we are all yuri know !!!  {)8^l)>

2004-12-02 [..Nightmare..]: Wtf?

2004-12-03 [Phantasm]: its red alurt 2 Yuri's Revenge silly! )8^'

2004-12-03 [Darkness of Faith]: hey goth i know you want to get me the password to the

2004-12-03 [..Nightmare..]: lol o yea one sec;)

2004-12-03 [Darkness of Faith]: kk...

2004-12-08 [Phantasm]: what password.....?!!!! ( 8^0

2004-12-08 [..Nightmare..]: to the banners page

2004-12-10 [Phantasm]: oook?....... (8^s

2004-12-10 [..Nightmare..]: go look at relaxation time warp banners you'll see

2004-12-11 [Phantasm]: so whats the pass word?

2004-12-11 [..Nightmare..]: im not telling you lol

2004-12-12 [Phantasm]: ok

2004-12-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: hmmmmmmmm odd

2004-12-18 [Darkness of Faith]: what is odd?

2004-12-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Um....Hold on i'll tell u when i find out I'm a bit dumb 2night.

2004-12-18 [Darkness of Faith]: ok then just let me

2004-12-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: I'll try, if i ever find out 4 myself

2004-12-18 [Darkness of Faith]: do that

2004-12-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: I will

2004-12-18 [Darkness of Faith]: ok

2004-12-18 [Phantasm]: aah yes ive dun it

2004-12-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: dun what

2004-12-29 [ninje]: IM BACK

2004-12-29 [..Nightmare..]: Master Joe what have you done???? confused... .............. Hey Jenti sup? they unbanned you?

2004-12-30 [ninje]: yup finally

2004-12-30 [Darkness of Faith]: took them long enough

2004-12-30 [..Nightmare..]: hey i was partying for 2 days

2004-12-30 [Darkness of Faith]: wow thats cool

2004-12-30 [..Nightmare..]: yea lol

2005-01-04 [Delicious Nightmare]: Hey,

2005-01-05 [..Nightmare..]: Hola ?

2005-01-05 [Delicious Nightmare]: .>;

2005-01-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: lalala im bored

2005-01-18 [Darkness of Faith]: and no one cares

2005-01-18 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Hey oh how rude, w8 I kno u and u kno [..Nightmare..]

2005-01-19 [Delicious Nightmare]: .....

2005-01-19 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Why r u being so rude 2 me u don't even kno me

2005-01-26 [Devil Doll]:


2005-01-26 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: Hey thats my room *laughs* jjk

2005-01-26 [Devil Doll]: :( we could share! ^_^

2005-01-27 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: KK ill do that hey devil iv chated with u n a million other wikis r u fallowing me

2005-01-27 [..Nightmare..]: kk right away you got room three ^.^

2005-01-27 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: YAY

2005-01-27 [Devil Doll]: lol, nope, i just say this site on someone's page and came to it...

2005-01-27 [Like Sun Through The Rain]: o ok

2005-04-17 [girl. interrupted.]: (h1)wow, this thing is sort of weird, and yet kewl @ the same time...:P(/h1)

2005-06-16 [xBrokenXHeartedx]: lol DONT KICK ME PERSON lol...yeah..sorry im like awake and hyper and yeah ill fucking shut the hell up now

2005-06-19 [..Nightmare..]: Lol yea it is weird and kool XD thats why i made it :P and why would i kick you?

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